State of the Union

The Declaration of Independence, Constitution and Bill of Rights show clearly that the founders intended the government of the United States to:

  1. abide by the self-evident truth that all people are created equal and have God-given unalienable rights, such as the right to life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, freedom of thought, freedom to practice the religion of their choice and freedom to peaceably assemble.

  2. secure the unalienable rights of all Americans by operating a government “of the people, by the people and for the people” and whose just power is derived from the consent of those that they govern.

  3. continually strive to form a more perfect Union, protect the unalienable rights of all, establish justice, ensure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare and secure “the Blessings of Liberty” for all its citizens and future generations.

These ideals are also intrinsic in what is known as the “American Dream”, a term coined by American writer and historian James Truslow Adams in his 1931 book, “Epic of America.” Adams describes the American Dream as, “that dream of a land in which life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement.

Americans have always fought to make these visions a reality.  Witness the American Revolution in the 1700s, the Civil War in the 1800s, the right to vote for women and the Civil Rights movement in the 1900s and the election of the first African American President in U.S.history in the 2000s. While each of these victories brought us closer to the realization of equality and the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for all Americans,  it is still a work-in-progress.

Truthfully, every generation has a responsibility for making the United States a “more perfect union.” Once the founding ideals of equality and unalienable rights are fully realized, it will become the following generation’s work to keep it so. For there will always be a small percentage of people among us who have antisocial personalities and who seek positions of power in order to dominate and oppress others.  

Continuing to fight for the unalienable rights of every American brings abundant hope to those who seek personal, political and spiritual freedom on their journey toward achieving the American Dream. That Americans are willing to stand up and fight for their own freedom and the freedom of others is why America is known around the world as the “land of the free and the home of the brave.”

As a result of their dedicated resolve, Americans have more freedoms than in any other country on Earth. But we also have some very real problems that need to be confronted and handled, such as drug addiction, illiteracy, violent crime, racism, human trafficking, and childhood hunger, to name a few. Clearly, these are all destructive of Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

Eradicating these human conditions might appear to be a daunting task.  I am, however, an optimist. And with good reason. Every day, tens of thousands of well-intentioned people across America work together to help restore lives that are being destroyed by drugs, violence, illiteracy, etc.  The reality is, we need to step up our game and get everyone on board to effectively remedy these conditions. 

In fact, one thing that everyone can do right now is take a stand against violence, racism, childhood hunger or whatever outrages your conscience and personally decide: No way! Not in my country!” 

Here’s a real life example of what can happen when people decide, “No way! Not in my country!”

As the pandemic spread and people were laid off, many Americans faced the unthinkable reality that they did not have enough money to feed themselves or their children. Once this hit the news, people immediately started sending money to a group called, “Feeding America” in what seemed to be a collective, “No way! Not in my country!”  Average, everyday people began sending part of their weekly food budget to feed people they had never met. Online fundraisers sprang up everywhere to raise money for food banks.  Kids opened lemonade stands to help feed other kids. Major corporations, Hollywood celebrities and NFL quarterbacks made pledges like “One Million Meals.”  As a result of the combined efforts, “Feeding America” was able to distribute SIX BILLION meals to families in need in 2020. And if that isn’t awesome enough, Amazon – in addition to making a huge financial donation – delivered meals directly to the homes of people who were homebound, all free-of-charge.

I’m telling you, good things happen when people actually decide, “No way! Not in my country!” 

Working together, Americans really can do anything.  If we are to work together – and we must in order to succeed – there is an even more basic situation that needs a thunderous, No Way! Not in my country!”

Currently we are all faced with the growing animosity and division in America. Having different points of view is one thing. Displaying animosity or hate toward another human being, simply because they have a different point of view, is quite another. It is antipathetic to American ideals. 

The truth is we are all Americans. Young or old, black or white, rich or poor, male or female, gay or straight, we are all Americans. Positioning people as “Right vs. Left”, “Democratic vs. Republican”, “Black vs. White”, all have one thing in common: they seek to divide us as Americans and create an “Us vs. Them” where no such divide need exist.

This is not a natural state of affairs. It is being created. Perhaps it is the political strategy of “Divide and Conquer” being covertly run by those who wish to dismantle America’s Constitutional republic and replace it with a different form of government. Perhaps it is being done intentionally by vested interests, such as psychiatry and Big Pharma, who financially benefit from people being kept in a constant state of anxiety, fear or depression. Perhaps it’s something else. I don’t know.

What I do know, is that whoever is fanning the flames of division and hatred in American needs to be given a resounding, No way! Not in my country!”

Hate, in the final analysis, is destructive of Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.